Just for Kids!
Kevin Sullivan created a 26-part Animated series for PBS and a feature animated film "Anne: Journey to Green Gables." Explore the behind the scenes on how the animation was created.
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Anne the Animated Series Trailer
RENT or BUY Anne The Animated Series: https://www.gazebotv.com/products/anne-the-animated-series
Anne of Green Gables the award-winning series presents 26 entertaining and educational episodes. This children's series follows Anne as her wild imagination leads her through different adventures, wh...
Anne Journey to Green Gables Trailer
RENT or BUY Anne Journey To Green Gables: https://www.gazebotv.com/products/anne-journey-to-green-gables-1
Mckenzie Sullivan on playing the voice of Anne Shirley
A behind the scenes interview with Kevin Sullivan's daughter Mckenzie , who performed the voice of Anne in the animated feature film Anne Journey to Green Gables.
Anne: Journey to Green Gables Behind The Scenes